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There’s more than meets the eye: Differences between SharePoint’s Oslo and Seattle master pages


If you’ve been looking at the neat new masterpages with SharePoint 2013, and playing around with changing them, you can quite easily see a difference between the two options: Oslo and Seattle. Seattle is what we’re used to with SharePoint 2010: left nav and a top nav. Oslo moves the left nav to the top, and removes the top nav all together. Oslo also provides more room for your content by widening the area by moving the left nav.

Oslo Masterpage Layout
Seattle Masterpage Layout

But what is really different, technically speaking? I compared the two pages and found a little more:

Seeing there are a lot of security trimming around authenticated vs anonymous, I decided to test that out to see what it looks like.

First, let’s see what Seattle looks like anonymously:

Seattle Master Page as Anonymous

Interesting, the web parts are intelligent enough to know anonymous users can’t “get started” and the newsfeed is gone. Also, some of the ribbon items change. Nothing else too significant.

Next up, Oslo:

Oslo Master Page as Anonymous

Whoa, that’s a lot more now isn’t it? We lost the ribbon completely, including the SharePoint blue bar at the top. It feels naked.

I compared the HTML output of the two sets of pages as well.

It almost feels like Oslo was designed with anonymous access in mind, as in Microsoft wanted us to use Oslo for public facing sites, as it took care of so much for you already. ;)

Thanks to Sane Amit for asking this question on, always looking for new post ideas ;)

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